Hey All,
At the end of Mike's visit to Dunedin we decided to drop him off in Christchurch and then have a little adventure of our own. We booked passage on the Alpine Tranz Scenic train from Christchurch to Greymouth and back again. We would (and probably should) have booked passage back on Sunday instead of a Saturday same day round trip but we had plans to pick up a couple extra chickens. So we had a rather long but beautiful trip over the southern alps taking in the snow capped mountains and winding tracks and rivers over the mountain. Here's a few pics we took from the train...
We stayed the night in the cute little town of Sumner, headed in to Christchurch to do some shopping and then high tailed it out of town. We picked up two chickens along the way (because what's a four hour drive without a couple chickens in the boot) and headed home. The two new chickens ,tentatively named Six and Dorking (because of her breed), greatly upset the pecking order upon their arrival. It took about a week for Fore to come to terms with the fact that she no longer ruled the roost (Six is about twice the size of her) but now they've all settled in to be good friends. With the exception that the roost was a bit cramped (I have since constructed a second roost). And bonus, they've started laying eggs again. Hooray for fresh eggs!
Love to all,