Drea and I signed up for a social group a month or so ago called "Greendrinks". The idea was to get environmentally conscious people together for drinks and networking. The first meeting was a month or so ago at the Green Man brewery. Yum. This month drinks were held on board the "Rainbow Warrior", Greenpeace's flagship boat. We weren't entirely sure what to expect but we met a nice Spanish woman on the crew of the boat that gave us a tour and told us some of the history of the boat. (Did you know the French secret service blew up the original Rainbow Warrior in a harbor in Auckland during French nuclear testing in the South Pacific?)
The next afternoon our first friends in Dunedin, Brian and Mary, had a barbeque to say goodbye before they headed off on their trip back to Colorado. Good luck you guys. Hopefully we see you either back here or over there some day.
They have a couple kids and were unloading some stickers at the barbeque. Note to self, don't let Andrea near stickers.
I am not amused.
Wednesday of this last week was also Andrea's 30th birthday. We went out to dinner at Plato, a Tchotchke (I had to look up the spelling for that one) filled restaurant that was quite good despite it's questionable decor and industrial park location. Probably the best dinner bread we've found in New Zealand and we gave kudo's to the sauce chef. Unfortunately we ate too much to try their desserts. (don't feel bad, we made cookies and a raspberry tart this week)Thanks to Mark and Molly who sent Andrea one of the coolest birthday presents ever. Check the video at the bottom to see how well Puff got along with his doppelganger, "Cluckers"...
And this weekend has thus far been all about manual labor. We received our firewood for the winter (I know, so much for being environmentally conscious. God knows why they would build lots of high ceilinged houses without putting in any insulation.) We didn't realize they were delivering the wood on Friday and forgot to move our car. Ooops.
Here's a picture of an amazing sunrise from our house the other day...
and here's a little line up of the tomatoes we harvested this morning. Our tomato plant is going absolutely nuts...
Best wishes to all.
Love, Dave and Andrea
That was funny. I am glad you liked the chicken.
Happy Belated Birthday Andrea! Your tomatoes look wonderful. We have just planted cherry tomatoes on the rooftop garden we have in Taipei - you should come for a visit. Speaking of which, if I get my butt on over to NZ within a year (or two) would you still be there? Puppy is trying to plan a trip and I'm trying to tag along. I'd like to go when there is good weather (summer time) but I think Christina might want the cheaper flight (Aug or so). Anyways, let me know what you think. Miss ya!
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