So the last few months prior to the wedding we unfortunately don't have all that much to report. We'd been working our tails off writing vows, booking caterers, sorting out the venue, getting rings, making frisbee designs for wedding gifts, trying on wedding dresses (mostly Drea on this one), learning how to dance good and about a thousand other things. With all that we didn't get out all that often.
We did play some frisbee here and there. Here's a picture from shortly after being hit in the eye with a frisbee. I don't recommend this to anyone getting married in two weeks...
We also had a couple chickens go 'broody' on us. This is when they think they're hatching eggs, and refuse to get off the nest. Fun thing about broodie chickens is if you pick them up they'll stay wherever you drop them. Makes for fun photoshoots...
Max and I are looking at your pictures and he wants to know which chicken is which. How do you make a chicken stop brooding?
Hi Molly,
The brown one with black on top is Cuckoo, the all brown one is Fore, the grey one is Dorking, the cute little tea cozy looking one is Coco and the enormous white one is Six.
To stop a chicken from brooding you can either wait or keep removing them from the nest and forcing them to walk around.
Hi Dave and Drea,
I hope you have a very happy wedding day. I look forward to seeing the pictures.
May your lives together continue to be full of love and happiness.
your friends,
Janis Taylor and Andy Brown
Hi Molly - I told my neighbors that our chooks were brooding, and she said to put them in a box with no light... for a week. I have also heard putting them on ice cubes so the warmth that they create is removed. I would never do either of those things. I let them brood, and just get them up every day or so to eat, get a dust bath, a drink, and go back in to pretending they're about to hatch something. (even when they're not even sitting on anything!) I think all chickens need a good sex-ed lesson.
Funny. Nic wrecked on her road bike the week before the wedding. For the most part you couldn't tell, but there are a few photos that catch Nic's tougher side. Glad the shiner healed in time for the wedding, though it would have made for some good toasts.
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